Environmental ways to deal with the unmentionables in our life.


Every product that we buy comes with an impact, especially the ones we buy regularly and don’t really think about. We all do it right. We don’t like to talk about though – it’s those taboo subjects that is the focus of our discussion today – so be warned we are getting down and dirty here.

Changing our society’s relationship to plastic is not just about you, the end-user. Responsibilities lie at EVERY stage. Plastics have a life cycle, and there are multiple responsibilities at every stage of that life cycle.

Manufacturers are responsible for how they create plastic, and which types they make. Companies that sell in plastic are responsible for what, how much, and why they use plastic.

Advocacy for drastically better and/or alternative manufacturing processes, our purchasing choices (when they are available), and whether we can afford to NOT purchase things in single-use plastics – are all a part of this equation.

But the fact remains – if you are able, given your privilege and access to alternatives or the choice of being able to ‘go without’ – which is not possible for everyone, to make changes with what plastic you bring into your home, do it. Below are just a few ideas.

Switch your Smalls – low waste solutions when Aunt Flo comes calling

Euphemisms or funny slang terms have been used to describe that time of the month forever. And we all know why, right? It’s that taboo subject that just isn’t talked about in polite company. I remember years ago reading through a particular women’s magazine that my aunt had a hand in and asking her why there was not a single thing in there to help the ladies and young women with the arrival of Aunt Flo. You can imagine the response I got. Oh well – I tried.

Years on and I still feel this taboo subject is not getting the attention it deserves. But thankfully groups like Share the Dignity and others are trying to bridge the gap for those who cannot afford the affluent management strategies. And don’t get me wrong they do a fabulous job but they are perpetuating the waste stream, unfortunately.

As mothers, sisters, grandmothers, and friends who care about the environment, we need to start talking about the other things we can do to help out when Aunt Flo comes calling. The environmentally friendly solutions can have us retain dignity but still help to keep from adding to landfills.

One such product is the cloth panty liner. Going low waste does not have to be icky or leave us with visible stains on clothing. Hannapads.com.au is making inexpensive certified organic cotton panty liners that are not only reusable and washable but they are also chemical-free, unbleached, and unscented. They also have an environmentally friendly waterproof coating to stop leakage. Now let’s just think about this for a second.

The average lady uses 1 full pack of panty liners a month minimum. They cost on average $5.10 a pack. That’s over $60 per year. Every year until menopause except when pregnant. But we will leave that out for now.

The Hannah company states their liners will last on average 2 – 3 years. So we take 3 years’ worth of pads which equals $180 versus $59.95 for the Starter Bundle from the Hannah company. And what is even better is that you can buy just 1 as a tester to see how you like them. Here is the link. Now I just want to point out here I have no affiliation with this company at all. I earn nothing from them.

Panty Liner Starter Kit from HannahPads

Without wanting to sound like I am their personal advertising guru – They also have available menstrual cups to replace tampons. There are many brands out on the market these days and many companies who seek to help you and the environment which you choose is obviously your choice.

While we are talking about those taboo subjects don’t forget to look at your toilet paper as well. Many brands are far from eco-friendly and when you really research what is going on, you find that they are into some very unsustainable practices including wrapping your products in plastic and forest farming for wood pulp to make your loo paper.

Who Gives A Crap Environmental Impact Mission

Love your Bum and help the Environment

One such company that is making inroads in the sustainability practices of icky things like our daily ablutions is “Who Gives a Crap” . They are not only removing plastic packaging but have taken things to a whole new level. This company is using bamboo or recycled paper to make their products and in so doing saving trees and also have a really great marketing campaign to make you smile. Nobly they are also building proper toilets for 3rd world countries recognising that poor sanitation is a huge cause of death and illness. To date, they claim to have donated over $10 Million to this effort. They offer paper-based products such as toilet paper, tissues, and paper towels that heal the planet. No Plastic.

From Biome.com.au

The Other Smelly Bits

Now we have all had the pleasure or otherwise of being in the presence of someone whose natural allure (read odour) is less than well let’s face it – not nice. Removing plastics and other nasties from our lives becomes more challenging with our other hygiene practices such as deodorants, hair care, and mouth care. But it doesn’t have to be that difficult. Biome offers a full range of products from deodorants, bar shampoos, and conditioners to bamboo toothbrushes, even dental floss. This Aussie company has excelled at bringing us a full range in a variety of flavours or scents to really assist in environmental stewardship. While a few of their products do still use plastic tubes they have attempted to ensure they either use recycled ocean plastics or some other type of recycling to assist with environmental impact rather than add to it. And they have some helpful tips available as well.

100% plastic-free deodorant recommendations: Biork, Good + Clean, Pure Chimp, The Physic Garden, Dindi powder, Urthly Organics, Babs.

Zero waste deodorant: most of Biomes deodorant containers can be re-used, Two Winged Fruit in a cardboard tube, Earth Purities paste in a cardboard box, or make your own deodorant recipe.

Whatever you do in your life there are always things we can do to assist the environment. Moreover, we as consumers hold the final vote in our wallets. Don’t open your wallet for companies who don’t care about the planet – open them for those who are actively proving they are doing something positive.